Faculty of Modern Languages

Photo of a group of students taking notes and studying at a large round tableThe Faculty of Medieval and Modern Languages is the largest in the UK, and is recognised internationally as a world-leading department. It has an intake of more than 250 students a year and over 100 academic staff, constituting a thriving teaching and research community with unparalleled breadth and depth, and with focus on a wide range of languages – including French, German, Spanish, Russian, Italian, Portuguese, Modern Greek, Czech, Polish and Celtic – and academic specialists in literature, philosophy and culture.

The study of languages has never been more relevant in an era of global communication where fluency and dexterity in at least one foreign language is an invaluable skill. At the same time, a deep and nuanced understanding of cultural imagination, intellectual history, beliefs and attitudes – what people think and how they think – is found in careful study of literature, thought, and linguistics.

Philanthropic support plays a vital role in helping the Faculty retain its position as a centre of excellence for the study of language, literature and culture. Gifts from our supporters help us provide resources for language teaching, support for academic programmes, and graduate scholarships and travel bursaries for students. We are very grateful for support at all levels, from small standing orders to larger one-off gifts.

If you would like any more information or to discuss giving a gift, please use the contact details below.

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